Overview of Project
This project started it with the owner having a website previously with another developer. Unfortunatley the owner was hositng with someone holding his website and domain hostage. I copied the html code and the style sheets and every thing we needed to get his website back. Once we got control of the domain we were in business. I helped the owner gain he website, domain and logos back that he had already paid for, the previous developer even con another $50 just so he would transfer the domain into our control.
I remember the previous developer threaten to sue me because my name was at the bottom of the website once I was done getting it back up and running for the owner. The thing is, I don't see how he could have sued me as the website was a template and he even left the original template name all over the website. I converted the website to be in c# and not just standard html. I fixed so many problem with the code, such as issues with the menu when the website is scaled responsively when on smaller devices. I got the owners Google Business Listing setup and Analytics setup within his website, helped setup social media websites and got his website runing properly. I help fix styling issues, developed a Gallery page, Marble page, Quartz page and finished the Granite page. I coded the contact form to actually work, along with fixing the image galleries bug it had within the footer of the website.
Needless to say I probably coded more on this template than the original developer the owner hired ever did. added a free plugin to his gallery page so that when the owner uploads photos of his work on Facebook it will appear in his website gallery. Also I currenlty run Kijiji ads for him to keep is ads on top of the ad list.
Things I did/do for the website:
Copied website from original owner and hosting so owner would not loose website
Coverted website to c#
Fixed alot of bugs and design issues
Developed Gallery, Marble and Quartz page
Setup Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)
Setup Google Business Listing and Analytics
Sitemap.xml and uploaded to Search engines
Setup Bing Business listing
Kijij Ads daily refresh